Thursday, July 31, 2008


Every time I think of nesting, I picture my cat Wink kneading my pink fuzzy blanket. I feel like I want to just settle in like a cat. But, then I look at this house and all of the crap that has to be done before Anna gets here and it makes me want to pull my hair out. It is coming along, very slowly, but surely. Besides getting the house in order, I have to get a new crib because Evie's was recalled. I have to get clothes and the changing table back from people they were lent to and I need to start my cloth diaper stash. Bluh...

Evie is fully potty trained and no longer takes a pacifier. Monday is her first dentist appointment and SHE informed us that she wanted to go. So, I made the appointment at the dentist with the Jungle Room that she liked on the internet. We are over the moon about how well she is doing. We did the reward system for every time she went but now she gets only one treat a day as long as she doesn't have any accidents. She hasn't had an accident in almost a week and thats just because she was playing in our closet while we were doing laundry and couldn't get the door open fast enough. We are probably going to take her to see the Backyardigans in about a month for doing so well and something special for just her before Anna gets here. The more I look forward to meeting Anna, the more I fall in love with Evie. She & I compared her feet to the footprints of when she was first born in her baby book. She said "I growed and growed mommy!" My baby girl is becoming such a big girl. I pulled out my old Grape iMac yesterday and found some toddler games and activities for her and she is really digging it.

Nothing is really going on around here... I am bored and lonely mostly but trying to keep busy with what little energy I have. My vag is still hurting like a sum' bitch, but I can't complain too much cuz I am having a textbook pregnancy and its zooming by. Now, if Matt could just get this job with TDOT, we will be set!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Growing Up

Growing Up
I could never fully convey in this blog how proud I am of my daughter. She has been potty training this week and doing so well. I cannot get over how fast she is growing up. It is a little sad, but I can't help but beam. She had given up the pacifier a few months ago, but when school let out, her schedule was interrupted and we gave it back to her. This week has been potty training AND no pacifier. She hasn't asked for her paci and I believe that we won't have to deal with it any longer.

She is an amazing girl, will be an amazing big sister and I know she will be an amazing woman. I look forward to see the girl she grows up to be.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Past Due

So I suppose and update is in order...

We had Tetsuo put down a few weeks ago. I miss her so much and think of her through out the day. We had her cremated and her urn

Past Due

So I suppose an update is in order...

We had Tetsuo put down a few weeks ago. I miss her so much and think of her through out the day. We had her cremated and her urn sits on a high shelf with a statue of an angel hugging a cat next too it. It hurts less & less everyday, but I am still so sad that she got cancer and there was NOTHING I could do for her. I just tried to make her last weeks comfortable and let her know she was truly loved.

So, June 26th came and went and we are having another girl. We are relieved that we don't have to change the room to accomodate a girl and boy. We have so much girl stuff it is rediculous. I have already made nesting lists and have so much on my mind of what we need to do. I think this is keeping my mind off of thinking of Tetsuo too much.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


We are anxiously awaiting June 26th. That is the day we find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Hell, I am ready to have this kid already. All I do is sleep, pee, eat & fart. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions all day and its gotten to be pretty damn annoying. Its nothing serious. I just got a little dehydrated.

I haven't been sleeping well so last night I took 2 Tylenol PM and I could barely rise from the dead this morning. I think I will just take one tonight.

My MIL left today after a nice looooong visit. It was great having her here but I like having my house back and the peace and quiet. Evie gets a little whacky when her grandparents are around so its good to have her back in somewhat of a routine.

We are facing a tough decision soon because my cat Tetsuo's cancer, though we had the mass removed from her leg, it has come back rapidly and her health is starting to decline. I think we could make her comfortable until it was time for her to go, but the lumps are rupturing and I don't know how to deal with open wounds especially with a toddler and a baby soon to be here. I don't want to think about this, but I know I have to and its tearing me up. I just held her last night and cried my eyes out. She was my very first cat and has been through some tough shit wit me through the years, but she stood by me no matter what and I don't know what I would do without her.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Remembering when...

I am getting excited about the little things again.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Originally uploaded by tattooedmomma
I think the title and the picture say it all. I am due this November and let me tell you... morning sickness is kicking my ass.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jumpy Jump Jump

Originally uploaded by tattooedmomma
Damn the makers of Yo Gabba Gabba! I will have that song in my head all day now.

Things are well. I got a new vehicle which I love. Puddin' has been doing fairly well when it comes to potty training. We had snow this week and not it is 70°F today. I wish it was like this year round. I need to find a place that is that way and move there. Tennessee definitely sucks in the weather department.

So here is a new pic of me. I am proud of the weight I have lost and Husby is really liking it too *wink*

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This is Tonks

This video totally represents the kitty below... Miss Tonks 'Chicken-Butt' Wilson...she rubs her nozz against Husby's lamp over and over and makes it tip just a bit... enough for it to kind of bounce on each of its feet a few times before she does it again. She will stand on him at no earlier than 2am and no later than 6am and MEOW over and over and over and over until he turns over and pets her to where she is satisfied.

"Just close the door." you say. Yeah... we close the door and she will sit out of the room ALL NIGHT and bellow. Hell, all 4 of them will because closed doors are an insult to them. So this is what we put up with EVERY night. We love her but DAMN is she annoying.



Sunday, January 13, 2008

Beginning of the new year

Here it is, January 13th and so much as already happened. It has been almost a month (give or take 2 days) that I have slept in my own bed. The holiday started the weekend before Christmas when we spent a day/night in Chattanooga with my mom's family. I didn't quite know then that it would be the last time I saw my grandmother alive.

We then made our way to Knoxville where we spent the entire week of Christmas with Matt's mom. It was a really nice visit (mind a little drama... as usual) and Evie & I made out like bandits.

We came home for the new year (hence my last post) and then Evie & I headed back to Chattanooga on the 3rd to see my brother and his family before they moved to Japan. I hoped to see my grandmother but she was in the hospital and my mom was by her side or with my brother most of the time. On Sunday January 6th, my brother and his family were leaving for Japan and I was heading back to Nashville, but my grandmother passed early that morning so all of our plans changed. I didn't get to see her, but our last visit at Christmas was pleasant and she was lucid the last time I spoke with her.

I know that I will most likely be attending another funeral this year as well. My aunt Bobbie's cancer is back and has pretty much spread through out her body. There is nothing more the doctors can do for her except make her comfortable. I am lucky I got to see her while home, but I don't know when I will see her next.

So far, 2008 has been bittersweet. It's sad that my grandmother has passed, but she is no longer in pain and she is with my grandaddy now. They loved each other so. I know that my brother and his family will only be in Japan a year, and I hope to visit sometime this summer. This year, I believe, will be a life changing one; weather it be good or bad, it will be memorable.