Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Loves

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So Puddin' did really well getting her hair cut Friday. She is cuter then ever and we are so proud of her for donating her hair to Locks of Love. Here she is pushing Baby Boo in her dolly stroller and a pic of the new puppykins, Roxy Mae.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Holy Rebate Batman!!

We are getting a really good rebate so we will be able to pay off all of our medical bills and catch up all of our regular bills AND have some to put in savings AND have a little to splurge with. You know what I am buying with my part... yup... DIAPERS! HAHA! I really don't even want anything for myself anymore, I just think about diapers, diapers diapers. I am not crazy and spending 50 bucks on a Goodmama or one of the other ones that cost an arm & a leg just for Boo to shit in it. I am getting some used, in excellent condition Little Lions fitteds off of Diaper Swappers this weekend that I am excited about and I will probably order some more new... or maybe some Thirsties Fab Fitteds or BumGenius Organic Bamboo Terry Fitteds or some Kissaluvs or maybe some hemp soakers.... ACK! I can't go crazy! LOL

Friday we are getting Puddin's hair cut and donating it to Locks of Love and then afterwards we are getting a Miniature Dachshund puppy. We are going to name her Roxy Mae. I can't wait to meet her.

Okay so for the cuteness factor and to get my mind off of diapers; here is a pic of Puddin' in my vintage Star Wars overalls. They are a little big, but she will be able to wear them for at least the next year. She looks so cute!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Fitteds Fitteds Fitteds...

... as in diapers. I am obsessed with them now and am looking for some good deals. So, if you know of some good deals on medium fitted diapers, please let me know. I really am liking Thirsties fab fitteds, Little Lions, & BumGenius organic bamboo terry. ... anything of that nature.

Friday, February 13, 2009

1 room down...

...many, many more to go. So the living room is CLEAN for the first time since Baby Boo was born. It took us most of the day to go through everything, rearrange furniture, throw away, organize and vacuum twice. But, its so nice and clean and feels bigger because of the new layout. It makes me fee refreshed to have a clean room. I remember when I was a kid and I would clean my room and make my bed with clean sheets. I would just lay on the bed and feel like a new person.

I am watching the new Joss Whedon show, Dollhouse. It has the guy that plays Helo from Battlestar Galactica in it. In the words of Perez Hilton, "Yummy Yummy Screw!"

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Currently Reading

Organized Now and Absolutely Organized.

I tend to go through this organization kick every year at this time. But, while I was pregnant and had no energy, the house fell victim to that. So, now that I have the energy, we are starting anew. We are changing our whole outlook on life and our home. Its going to take a while but I know if we all work together and STICK TO IT! we will succeed and be a happier family. We will be able to spend quality time together and not cleaning or picking up. I will try to post my progress as I go along.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Unintentional Hiatus

So we went to Knoxville to celebrate DH's birthday with his dad. We ate at the Melting Pot and I got to go to an actual cloth diaper store up there where I got some awesome stuff for baby Boo's bottom. But, while there I started getting sick. I didn't think much would come of it but by Sunday and time to leave I felt like ass. So, DH went home and my parents moseyed on up from Chattavegas to get me and the girls so they could help take care of them (and me) while I recuperated. Here it is a week later and I am finally home. While in Knoxville I met a woman from Craigslist and I purchased the stroller from my last entry for sixty bucks, w00t! Husby and I really like it and so do the girls.

Husby came to get us Friday and we went to the crunchy grocery store in Chatt called GreenLife and to a really cool toy store called Learning Express. Both places had lots of cool stuff. I found some eco-friendly detergent I have been wanting to try on the diapers and I got a Laptop Lunchbox that I have been coveting for a long while now. It came with a great book about getting kids to eat better and to get picky eaters to eat. I am going to really work with Puddin' this year to get her to eat better... we ALL need to eat better! I also got a book tonight on organizing... yeah I pretty much buy one every year around this time. Lets see if this one convinces me better.

Other than that, Baby Boo is growing so fast and smiling and starting to laugh. She really loves to suck on her fist and she talks to it and stares at it. I think its love.