Thursday, July 31, 2008


Every time I think of nesting, I picture my cat Wink kneading my pink fuzzy blanket. I feel like I want to just settle in like a cat. But, then I look at this house and all of the crap that has to be done before Anna gets here and it makes me want to pull my hair out. It is coming along, very slowly, but surely. Besides getting the house in order, I have to get a new crib because Evie's was recalled. I have to get clothes and the changing table back from people they were lent to and I need to start my cloth diaper stash. Bluh...

Evie is fully potty trained and no longer takes a pacifier. Monday is her first dentist appointment and SHE informed us that she wanted to go. So, I made the appointment at the dentist with the Jungle Room that she liked on the internet. We are over the moon about how well she is doing. We did the reward system for every time she went but now she gets only one treat a day as long as she doesn't have any accidents. She hasn't had an accident in almost a week and thats just because she was playing in our closet while we were doing laundry and couldn't get the door open fast enough. We are probably going to take her to see the Backyardigans in about a month for doing so well and something special for just her before Anna gets here. The more I look forward to meeting Anna, the more I fall in love with Evie. She & I compared her feet to the footprints of when she was first born in her baby book. She said "I growed and growed mommy!" My baby girl is becoming such a big girl. I pulled out my old Grape iMac yesterday and found some toddler games and activities for her and she is really digging it.

Nothing is really going on around here... I am bored and lonely mostly but trying to keep busy with what little energy I have. My vag is still hurting like a sum' bitch, but I can't complain too much cuz I am having a textbook pregnancy and its zooming by. Now, if Matt could just get this job with TDOT, we will be set!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Growing Up

Growing Up
I could never fully convey in this blog how proud I am of my daughter. She has been potty training this week and doing so well. I cannot get over how fast she is growing up. It is a little sad, but I can't help but beam. She had given up the pacifier a few months ago, but when school let out, her schedule was interrupted and we gave it back to her. This week has been potty training AND no pacifier. She hasn't asked for her paci and I believe that we won't have to deal with it any longer.

She is an amazing girl, will be an amazing big sister and I know she will be an amazing woman. I look forward to see the girl she grows up to be.