Saturday, March 20, 2010


So, nothing much new to report. My BFF did go into rehab, but I honestly think it won't do him any good and he will fall right back into the habits he was in before. If he wants to make an effort to reconnect with me, I will. But, I can't put forth the effort anymore. I have done what I can. The ball is in his court.

I know I have bitched about it before so, be aware that I am about to bitch about it again.

I am so fucking over being lonely. I am over hooking up. I am over misreading signals. I just want someone to be straight with me and to think of me. I want someone to give a damn about how I feel in my heart and not how it feels to have their cock in me. I love sex. I LOVE IT! But damn, I love just having a warm body next to me. Someone to talk to and someone that will woo me. I hate this stagnate feeling. I am a fucking awesome person. What does it take to find someone awesome too and can see that I am worthy?