Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Beginnings?

As of yesterday my husband became unemployed. He devoted his entire adult life and half of his childhood to being a journalist, writer, editor, and all around news hound. So, for his time and dedication he was let go because there is no money. Granted, the paper he worked for never really made much of a profit because it was free. Not to mention, the current CEO is a moron and doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. But, I digress. So, he will be payed 2 more times, have 10 days severance pay and 5 paid vacation days. After that he can file for unemployment or hopefully find something else. I will be looking to work as well. We are educated people, I know one of us can find a job to help support us.

He had become disenchanted with the newspaper business quite some time ago. The paper he worked for was always a "it's who you know" chain of command. The CEO's son got to sleep at his desk and made far more than anyone there. Yet, my husband worked his ass of and took shit from all sides and barely kept his head above water. We are thinking a career change is in the near future for him. Perhaps he can go into teaching; he is super smart. I have faith that he will come out of this a better person, father, husband & human being.

More than likely we will have to do a short sale of our house and either move in with his mom or with my parents. Both are in different cities. It's funny... this job brought us to Nashville and now it is sending us away. Since being in this city we have had 2 beautiful daughters, made some amazing friends and experienced things we never would have back home. But, I never felt like Nashville was home. So, its safe to say that I can leave it behind and take my memories and contact info for my friends. I will visit often, but I can't say I will ever move back.

I have no regrets and I am very proud of my husband. He is an amazing person and I know that he will come out ahead and that shitty little paper will flounder. *just a little bitter*